Nourish your mind and body with nutrient-dense, whole food to boost your energy, prevent chronic dis-ease and live your most vibrant life.
My programs are designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills you need to experience vibrant health, optimal digestion, high energy and true health freedom.
Get to the root cause.
Did you know? 95% of chronic diseases are caused by diet and lifestyle. Learn how to support your well-being with nutrient-dense real food, detoxification and a lifestyle that aligns with nature. I offer a variety of programs to guide you.
Learn how real food and simple lifestyle shifts can help you prevent and reverse dis-ease and take your health back into your own hands.
Whole Food Nutrition Guide & Ayurvedic Health Coach

Hi! I’m Katrina. I am passionate about spreading the message of the power of real food nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits to help busy people enjoy greater energy, prevent modern-day chronic dis-eases, and live a vibrant, healthy life. My passion for teaching whole food nutrition is inspired by my desire to help motivated individuals take health into their own hands.

After all, health is wealth.

At a time when so many are suffering from chronic illness (in the U.S. alone, over 50% of people suffer at least one chronic disease) – I believe it is urgent for more people to innerstand these truths:

Fact #1: Most chronic dis-eases are preventable through diet and lifestyle habits.

Fact #2: When you give your body the nutrients it needs and stop consuming troublemaker foods and ingredients that cause inflammation, mucus and acidosis, you support your body's natural ability to return to balance.

Fact #3:
The emerging science of epigenetics reveals that only 5% of health conditions are caused by genes. This means that for the vast majority of conditions, you have the power to prevent chronic dis-ease through nutrition and lifestyle interventions.

If you have been wanting to improve your digestion, boost your energy, improve your heart health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases or simply introduce delicious, nutrient-dense whole foods into your diet, you're in the right place.

Let's crush unhealthy food cravings, boost energy, improve digestion, and prevent chronic dis-ease through the nourishing power of delicious real food and holistic approaches to wellbeing.

Explore the ways we can work together here.

To your vibrant health,
